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"Am I a Writer?" Brain Notes 012018

Somebody just asked me if I was writing bc I was intensely on my phone.

  1. That’s lit that people know me for tht.

  2. I wasn’t writing but that inspired me to write in such a random moment... so here I am. Lol

  3. I’m at a Canisius Function & it’s cool & all but I think I’m finally getting over this version of life... I feel like we all just “know” each other too well. Or know too well that we don’t really fuck with each other. lol so I’m becoming over it more & more as each day goes on... now I’m just working on getting over FOMO, tbh lol

  4. I wonder where I will be in a year from now.

  5. Literally at a function, writing a note. Lmfao that’s me, now lol

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